Yorkshire Regiment War Graves
Yorkshire Regiment War Graves, -
Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension
Yorkshire Regiment War Graves

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Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension now contains 185 burials and commemorations of the First World War. 53 of the burials are unidentified and 59 (mainly of the 1st Northamptons) destroyed by shell fire are now represented by special memorials. One British soldier was reburied in this cemetery from Sailly-Laurette German Cemetery (near the West side of the road from Sailly-Laurette to Morlancourt), which contained 556 German burials.

One of the burials where the soldier's original grave has been destroyed by shell fire is that of Serjeant Ovington, of the Yorkshire Regiment. He is the only member of the regiment in this cemetery.

The Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension
The Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension
(Photo : Christopher Weekes, <weebex12@hotmail.com>)

Serjeant Lawrence Ovington
Click on thumbnail image for a larger version of the photo
Serjeant Lawrence Ovington. 5714. 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment. Son of Ralph Stephenson Ovington and Mary Ann Ovington, of 42, Tavistock St., Middlesbrough. Died 16 November 1916.
Born Middlesbrough, Enlisted Middlesbrough. Aged 25.

(Photo : Christopher Weekes, <weebex12@hotmail.com>)

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