Memorials Elsewhere, - Nottingham (Lancaster Road) - St Cyprian's Church |
The War Memorial in St. Cyprian's Church, Nottingham
(Photo : Rachel Farrand)
Rachel Farrand has kindly forwarded a photo of the War Memorial in St. Cyprian's Church, Nottingham. The photograph was taken for the United Kingdom War Memorials Project, who are happy that it is shown on this website, but copyright remains with Rachel Farrand.
Richard Roberts (<richard.nsw@googlemail.com>) has provided a larged sized image of the memorial (see below) which can be used for transcription.
Three names of men of the Yorkshire Regiment are included on the War Memorial in St. Cyprian's Church, Nottingham. One of these men, Private Lane, is also shown on the Roll of Honour that used to be in St. Bartholomew's Church, Nottingham, but which is now to be found in Nottingham's Archives. Rachel Farrand (<farrand.rachel@btinternet.com>) has provided full details of this Roll of Honour, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Lance Corporal Samuel Bilbie. 42549. 8th Battalion the Yorkshire
Regiment, formerly 17548 East Yorks Regt. Son of William and Emma Bilbie,
of 6, Garden City, Carlton, Notts. Killed 27 October 1918. Aged 27.
Born Nottingham, Enlisted Nottingham.
Commemorated on the Giavera Memorial.
Private Harry Stanley Lane. 35200. 5th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment.
Formerly 35455 9th T R Battalion. Son of Harry and Ellen Lane, of 84, Blue
Bell Hill, Nottingham. Died 11 April 1918. Aged
Born Nottingham, Enlisted Nottingham.
Commemorated on Panel 4, the Ploegsteert Memorial.
Private Claude Albert Wood. 48073. 4th Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment,
formerly 629628 R A O C. Son of John and Sarah Wood, of 39, Talbot St., Nottingham;
husband of Ada Wood, of 27, Market St., Devonport. Killed 27 May 1918. Aged
Born Nottingham, Enlisted Plymouth.
Commemorated on the SOISSONS MEMORIAL.
The War Memorial inside St. Cyprian's Church, Nottingham (Lancaster Road)
For a larger sized image of the memorial plaque inside St. Cyprian's Church,
Nottingham, select the image above. The image opens in a new window.
(Photo : Richard Roberts <richard.nsw@googlemail.com>)
St. Cyprian's Church, Nottingham (Lancaster Road)
(Photo : Richard Roberts <richard.nsw@googlemail.com>)
St. Bartholomew's Church, Nottingham - Roll of Honour. Notes by Rachel Farrand (<farrand.rachel@btinternet.com>)
St Bartholomew’s Church, Blue Bell Hill Road, St Ann’s, Nottingham was demolished in 1971. There are photographs of the building on Picture the Past. The references of the photographs on this website are: NTGM009433 (photograph c1900), NTGM009431 (photograph 1933) and NTGM009434 (photograph 1971).
In 1983 someone deposited the church’s Roll of Honour in Nottinghamshire Archives, Ref PR 20,510, and I came across it when I was searching for information about memorials in churches which had been closed/demolished.
Nottingham St Bartholomew Roll of Honour housed in wooden box. At front of
book (illuminated script):
" Dedicated to the Glory of God as a record the Church, that here its
Benefactors and Gifts and those who served from the Congregation and Parish
in the Great War August 4th 1914- November 11th 1918 may always abide in perpetual
p32 The pulpit by the congregation in memory of the fallen in the Great War, 1914-1918, made of oak from Mirfield parish church [?St Mary the Virgin, Mirfield, West Yorkshire], presented by the Vicar, the Revd C A Boden, first Assistant Priest of St Bartholomew’s. Dedicated by the Right Reverend Edwyn Hoskynn DD, Bishop of the Diocese. April 24th 1921 [present location of pulpit not known]
p57 Parochial and Congregational Roll of Honour, The Great War, August 1914-November 1918
No other documents in this deposit relating to the war memorial.
The ROH has the names of those who served/returned and served/died and I found the entry for Private Lane when I transcribed the names of those who had died. The ROH has first name/s (or initials), surname, rank and unit with annotations eg K, W, Died, Presumed Killed, P. The entry for Lane is: LANE Harry S, Pte Yorkshire 1/5th Bn.
LANE, HARRY STANLEY Rank: Private Service No: 35200 Date of Death: 11/04/1918 Age: 18 Regiment/Service: Yorkshire Regiment 5th Bn. Panel Reference Panel 4. Memorial PLOEGSTEERT MEMORIAL Additional Information: Son of Harry and Ellen Lane, of 84, Blue Bell Hill, Nottingham.
I took several photographs of the box/cover of ROH, the illuminated script marking the start of the ROH and one page of the ROH as an example. Unfortunately, Archive copyright means I cannot copy the photographs or send them electronically. However, if anyone wanted to look at the ROH they would only need to obtain a Nottinghamshire Archives readers’ ticket to enable them to do so.
The ROH and pulpit were not listed on War Memorials Archives (formerly UKNIWM) but I sent reports in August 2011 although it does not seem that the information has yet been uploaded to the website.
I noticed that Harry is commemorated on the memorial in St Cyprian’s church. St Bartholomew’s church was Lane’s parish church but either he or his family may have attended St Cyprian’s; I am sure they were adjacent parishes.
I am sending photographs of the St Cyprian memorial, although I think you have one on file, because the memorial was moved fairly recently from the north wall of the nave to the south wall of the chancel to accommodate alterations to the layout of the church; the photograph you have might be of the memorial in its original position.
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