Lieutenant Ernest Charles KEMP
Remembrance - The Yorkshire Regiment, First World War
Lieutenant Ernest Charles KEMP
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Lieutenant Ernest Charles KEMP

Photo of Ernest Charles Kemp from the Alleyn's School website
Photo of Ernest Charles Kemp from the Alleyn's School website

Lieutenant Ernest Charles KEMP. RFC, ex- 9th Battalion.
Son of Ernest Harry and Edith Marion Kemp, of 8, Arodene Rd., Brixton Hill, London. Killed 6 September 1916. Aged 24.

The following information on Lieutenant Kemp is from Robert Coulson's Biographies of Officers of the Yorkshire Regiment;-Ernest Kemp was born at Camberwell in London on June 25th 1892.
He was educated at Alleyns School in Dulwich after which he worked in the office of Atlas Life and was studying for the examinations of the Institute of Actuaries when war broke out.
He was gazetted with the 9th Battalion on December 7th 1914 and went to France with the battalion in August 1915. The remainder of the year was spent in the Armentieres sector around Bois Grenier.
March 1916 found Lt Kemp and the battalion moved to the Souchez river sector around Angres and it was while here that Lt Kemp was attached to the Royal Flying Corps as an observer.
In September of 1916 Lt Kemp and his pilot 2nd Lt James Robertson were in an FE2B of No 25 squadron patrolling the lines between Hulloch and Lens when when they crossed over to the enemy side to attack a hostile aircraft. The German pilot, Oberleutnant Hans Joachim Buddeke of Jasta 4 got in the first telling shots and the British craft exploded and crashed behind enemy lines.
Lt Ernest Charles Kemp was killed in this action on September 6th 1916 aged 24.
His CO Major Cherry wrote,
“He and his pilot were seen to fall following an explosion probably caused by the petrol tank exploding. He was a very fine fellow, always ready to do anything he was asked and do it well”.
The body of Lt Kemp was lost and his name is remembered today on the Arras Flying Services Memorial, which records all the missing airmen on the Western Front.
He was the son of Ernest Harry and Edith Marion Kemp of 8 Arodene Road, Brixton Hill in London."

The following entry is from the Alleyn's School Roll of those Killed in The First World War;-

Ernest Charles Kemp was a student at Alleyn’s and lived at 8 Arodene Road, Brixton Hill before joining the war effort. During his time at school, he was prefect from 1908-9 and was one of the pioneers of the House System. After the outbreak of war, he was granted a commission and joined the Royal Flying Corps as a Lieutenant. In 1916, he was serving on the Western Front in France when his plane was shot down by enemy fire on September 6th. He was known as a ‘very fine fellow’ who always followed orders well and he is commemorated on the Arras Flying Services Memorial.


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