Place Names, - select group
to be taken to pages for individual memorials |
Select from a thumbnail image below to be taken
to a page with photographs and details (including names) of the Memorial. |
Radcliffe (Northumberland) |
Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Radcliffe-on-Trent, St. Mary's Church |
Radford (Notts), St. Peter's Church |
Radford Semele (Warwicks),
- St. Nicholas' Church |
Radley College (Oxon) |
Radwinter (Essex) |
Ramsey (Cambs) |
Ramsgate, St. Augustine's College |
Ramsgate, St. Lawrence College |
Raughton Head (Cumbria) |
Raunds (Northants) |
Ravensthorpe (Kirklees),
- St. Saviour's Church |
Rawdon (Leeds) |
Rawmarsh (Rotherham) |
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Reach (Cambs) |
Reading Trinity Congregational Church |
Reading University |
Reading School |
Redditch (Worcs) |
Redhill, - Church of St. John the Evangelist |
Reepham (Norfolk), - St. Michael's Church |
Reigate (Town Hall) |
Reighton (East Yorks) |
Rendham (Suffolk), - Congregational Church |
Repton (Derbyshire), - St. Wystan's Church |
Repton School |
Retford (Notts) |
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Richmond (London) |
Riddings ( Derbyshire) |
Riddlesden (Bradford) - War Memorial Institute |
Ripley ( Derbyshire) |
Rishton (Lancs) |
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Robin Hood &
Rothwell (Leeds) |
Rodborough (Glos), - St. Mary Magdalene Church |
Rogerstone (Newport - Gwent) |
Rokeby (Co. Durham) St. Mary's Church |
Romiley (Cheshire) |
Roos (Humberside), - All Saints' Church |
Rossall School |
Rotherham |
Rotherham Minster |
Rothley (Leicestershire) |
Rothwell (West Yorks) |
Roundhay (Leeds), - St. Edmund's Church |
Royal Alexandra and Albert School |
Royal Mail, - Darlington (Co. Durham) |
Royal Mail, - Durham Delivery Centre |
Royal Mail, Sheffield Mail Centre |
Royal Mail, Tyneside |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
Royton Park (Oldham, Lancs) |
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Ruddington, Nottinghamshire |
Ruddington (Notts), St. Peter's Church |
Rudston (East Yorks) |
Rugby (Hillmorton) |
Rugby (Whitehall Recreation Ground) |
Rugby School |
Rugeley (Staffs) |
Rugeley (Staffs) - St Augustine's Church |
Rushton Spencer (Staffs),
- St. Lawrence's Church |
Rushton Spencer (Staffs), - School |
Rutherford College,
Newcastle upon Tyne |
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Ryde (IOW) Town Hall |
Rye (Sussex) |
Ryhope (Sunderland) |
Ryhope (Sunderland), - St. Paul's Church |
Ryhope (Sunderland), - St. Paul's Church (Family Memorial) |
Ryton (Tyne-and-Wear) |