Remembrance - The Yorkshire Regiment, First World War
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This page includes War Memorials found outside the United Kingdom, and is divided into the following sections;-
A. Continental Europe
B. Republic of Ireland (Eire)
C. Overseas inc. Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, India, Iraq, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey.

The thumbnail images below illustrate a Memorial or Cemetery relating to the Yorkshire Regiment. Simply click on one of the thumbnail images and a new window will open where you can find out more about that memorial, cemetery, or war grave.

Continental Europe

L'Anneau de la Memoire
The Arras Memorial
The Arras Flying Services Memorial
Cambrai Memorial,
L'Anneau de la Memoire
The Arras Memorial
The Arras Flying Services Memorial
Cambrai Memorial, Louverval
Memorial to 576606 soldiers who died at who died at Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
455 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed among the nearly 35,000 names on this memorial.
Of the nearly 1000 names on this memorial, three are for men of the Yorkshire Regiment who lost their lives flying with the RFC
66 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed among the 7066 names on this memorial.

Contalmaison (1)
Contalmaison (2)
The Fricourt Memorial
The Hirsch Memorial
The memorial to Donald Simpson Bell VC
The memorial to Captain Francis Dodgson
Fricourt Memorial
The Hirsch Memorial
The memorial to
Lt Donald Simpson Bell VC.
The memorial to
Captain Francis Dodgson
The Memorial to the men of the 7th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment. This is located inside Fricourt British Cemetery.
The Memorial to
Captain D Philip Hirsch, VC

Le Touret Memorial
Loos Memorial
Malbork Memorial
Nieuport Memorial
The memorial at Le Touret, France, which includes Corporals Anderson VC and Curson
Loos Memorial
Malbork Memorial
Nieuport Memorial
The memorial which records the names of 237 men of the 2nd Battalion, including Corporal Anderson VC
170 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed amongst the over 20,000 names on the Loos Memorial
8 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment are shown on this memorial, which commemorates 39 men who were buried in Lidzbark Warminski War Cemetery
2 soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment are listed among the 549 names on this memorial.

Ploegsteert Memorial
Pozieres Memorial
Soissons Memorial
Thiepval Memorial
Ploegsteert Memorial
Pozieres Memorial
Soissons Memorial
Thiepval Memorial
203 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed amongst the 11,000 names on this memorial.
212 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed amongst the 14,699 names on this memorial.
170 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed amongst the 3,882 names on this memorial.
1059 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed among the 72,000 names on this memorial.

Tyne Cot Memorial,
Vimy Memorial
Vis-en-Artois Memorial
Menin Gate Memorial
Tyne Cot Memorial
Vimy Memorial
Vis-en-Artois Memorial
Ypres, Menin Gate Memorial
Of the 34,863 names on the Memorial, 637 are for men of the Yorkshire Regiment
The memorial commemorates over 60,000 Canadians who died in France, including over 11,000 who have no known grave. Amongst the 11,000 is 1 former soldier of the Yorkshire Regiment
45 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed among the more than 9,844 names on this Memorial
518 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment listed among the more than 54,000 names on this Memorial

St. George's Memorial Church
Ypres, St. George's Memorial Church
Includes a Memorial Window to Captain L E P Jones

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Republic of Ireland (Eire)

Clare Peace Park,
- Ennis (Eire)
Dublin, Ballsbridge
Clare Peace Park,
Dublin, Ballsbridge (Eire)
includes names of
Lt. Col Walter Alexander and Captain Humphrey Wilson
includes one name of a soldier of the Yorkshire Regiment
includes one name of a soldier of the Yorkshire Regiment
includes one name of a soldier of the Yorkshire Regiment

Dublin High School
- St. Mary's Hospital
- the Guinness Brewery
Ireland's Memorial Records
Dublin High School (Eire)
Dublin, St. Mary's Hospital (Eire)
Dublin, - the Guinness Brewery
Ireland's Memorial Records
includes one name of a soldier of the Yorkshire Regiment
includes the name of 1 soldier who served in the Yorkshire Regiment
2 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment are shown on this memorial. (served & returned?)
Commemorates over 49,000 Irishmen who lost their lives in the First World War

Kilkenny - St. Canice's Cathedral
Kilkenny Peace Park
Mayo Peace Park
Kilkenny (Eire), St. Canice's Cathedral
Kilkenny Peace Park
Mayo Peace Park
includes the name of Lieut Prior-Wandesforde
3 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment are among the 827 names on this memorial
includes the name of 1 soldier who served in the Yorkshire Regiment
7 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment are commemorated on this memorial.

Midleton WW1 Memorial
Monkstown Football Club - Dublin
(Ballymullen Road)
Midleton WW1 Memorial
Monkstown Football Club - Dublin
Tralee (Ballymullen Road)
includes the name of 1 soldier who served in the Yorkshire Regiment
includes the name of Captain Edward Lynch
includes the name of 1 soldier who served in the Yorkshire Regiment
2 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment are among the 1100 names on this memorial

Christ Church Cathedral
Waterford (Eire),
includes the name of Major Archibald Roberts

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Melbourne Grammar School
Western Australia State War Memorial
Melbourne Grammar School
Western Australia State War Memorial
includes the name of
2nd Lieut John Burgoyne Hudson
includes the name of
2nd Lieut William Checkley Mills

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Canadian WW1
Book of Remembrance
Cornwall (Ontario)
Parksville (British Columbia)
Canadian WW1 Book of Remembrance
Cornwall (Ontario)
Parksville (British Columbia)
Saskatchewan (Canada)
includes the name of
2nd Lieut William Wallace Watson
includes the name of
Private (Major) Harold Chapman
includes the name of
2nd Lieut Avard Yuill Mathews
Pine Hills Cemetery

University of Toronto
University of Toronto Schools
Hockey Club
University of Toronto
University of Toronto (Canada)
Family Memorial includes
2nd Lieut John Buchan Freeland
includes the name of
2nd Lieut Henry Lawrence
includes the name of
2nd Lieut John Buchan Freeland

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Shanghai Race Club
Shanghai Race Club
includes the names of 3 Officers of the Yorkshire Regiment.

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Chatby Memorial
Chatby Memorial
includes the names of 2 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment.

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Doiran Memorial
Mikra Memorial
Doiran Memorial
Mikra Memorial
Of the 2171 names on this memorial, 1 is for a soldier who served with the Yorkshire Regiment.
Of the 500 names on this memorial, 1 is for a soldier who served with the Yorkshire Regiment.

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Delhi Memorial (India Gate)
Kirkee 1914-1918 Memorial
Madras 1914-1918 War Memorial,
- Chennai
- St Thomas Cathedral
Delhi Memorial (India Gate)
Kirkee 1914-1918 Memorial
Madras 1914-1918 War Memorial - Chennai
Mumbain, - St Thomas Cathedral
Of over 13,000 names on this memorial, 62 are for soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment.
Of over 1800 names on this memorial, 14 are for soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment.
1 soldier who served in the Yorkshire Regiment is commmeorated on this memorial
1 Officerr of the Yorkshire Regiment is commemorated on this memorial

- Church of St. John in the Wilderness

Nainital, - Church of St. John in the Wilderness
1 soldier of the 2nd Battalioj is commemorated on this memorial

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14 soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment are amongst the 40,500 names on this memorial.

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Jerusalem Memorial
Jerusalem Memorial
1 soldier who served with the Yorkshire Regiment is amongst the 3300 names on this memorial.

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The Giavera Memorial
The Giavera Memorial
9 soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment are amongst the 147 names on this memorial.

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New Zealand

- Museum On-line Cenotaph
- Bolton Street Cemetery
Brooklyn Park
- Karori Cemetery
Auckland (New Zealand) - Museum On-line Cenotaph
Wellington  Bolton Street Cemetery
Wellington, Brooklyn Park
Wellington, - Karori cemetery
includes memorials to 3 Officers of the Yorkshire Regiment.
includes a memorial to 1 Officer of the Yorkshire Regiment.
includes a memorial to 1 Officer of the Yorkshire Regiment.
includes a memorial to 1 Officer of the Yorkshire Regiment.

Victoria University - Wellington
Victoria University - Wellington (New Zealand)
includes a memorial to 1 Officer of the Yorkshire Regiment.

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Karachi 1914 - 1918 War Memorial
Karachi 1914-1918 War Memorial
includes the names of 31 soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment.

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Russian Federation

Archangel Memorial
Archangel Memorial
The memorial commemorates 219 British officers and men who died during the North Russian campaign and whose graves are not known.
16 soldiers who served with the Yorkshire Regiment are commemorated on the memorial.

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South Africa

Rondebosch (Cape Town),
St. Paul's Churchyard
Rondebosch (Cape Town), St. Paul's Churchyard
An Officer of the Yorkshire Regiment is commemorated on this memorial.

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Helles Memorial
Helles Memorial
The Commonwealth battle memorial for the Gallipoli campaign. Of the 20838 names of those with no known graves on the memorial, 284 are for soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment.

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