Yorkshire Regiment War Graves
Yorkshire Regiment , Memorials Overseas
Thiepval Memorial
Yorkshire Regiment War Graves

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The Thiepval Memorial
The Thiepval Memorial
Photograph : "The Green Howard", Issue 10 April 2011

The Thiepval Memorial, the Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, bears the names of more than 72,000 officers and men of the United Kingdom and South African forces who died in the Somme sector before 20 March 1918 and have no known grave. Over 90% of those commemorated died between July and November 1916. The memorial also serves as an Anglo-French Battle Memorial in recognition of the joint nature of the 1916 offensive and a small cemetery containing equal numbers of Commonwealth and French graves (where the bodies are all unidentified) lies at the foot of the memorial.

Photographs of the name panels which commemorate the Yorkshire Regiment soldiers, together with the photos of the cemetery, can be viewed by selecting the link below. This will open a page in a new window.

Photographs of Panels Commemorating Names and Cemetery.

Other photographs of the Thiepval Memorial, including Addenda Panels, were taken by Richard Roberts (<richard.nsw@googlemail.com>) and are shown below.

Of the 72,087 names on the memorial, 935 are for men of the Yorkshire Regiment. The names of these men commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial are listed below.
Soldiers who originally served in the Yorkshire Regiment, but were serving in another regiment when they lost their lives, are shown in parenthesis, below. e.g. Private Anderson, W. The panels on which they are commemorated will be shown on the details (below) for that soldier's name.

For further details on each name, select the initial letter for the names to be taken to another page which contains data on men whose surname starts with that letter.

Thiepval Memorial-names-A
2nd Lieutenant Abrahams, R B
Private Abram, G W
Private Ackroyd, E
Private Acton, M
Private Adamson, R
Private Agar, T
Private Agar, W A
Private Agar, W B
Private Alexander, K
Private Allen, J A
Private Allen, S
Private Allinson, R W
Private Allison, C R
Private Allison, J
Private Amos, W E
Private Anderson, A
Lance Serjeant Anderson, C
Private Anderson, F J
Private Anderson, T
Private Anderson, W
Private Andrews, E A
Private Andrews, O N
Private Andrews, S
Private Ankers, B
Private Annakin, T
Private Ansell, W H
Private Appleby, C C
Private Apps, S (MM)
Private Archer, G
Private Armstrong, J
Private Armstrong, W
Private Artley, H
Lance Corporal Ash, J
Private Askey, W
Private Aspinall, J A (DCM)
Private Aspinall, W H
Private Atkinson, J H
Private Ayre, G
Coy Sjt Major Ayton, R

Thiepval Memorial-names-A
Private Bache, N
Private Bage, E
Private Bagnell, S
Private Bailes, J H
Coy Sjt Major Bainbridge, J C
Private Baker, E
Private Baldam, T
Private Baldwin, F W
Serjeant Ball, C A
Lance Corporal Bamborough, J M
Private Barber, J T
Lance Corporal Bargate, S
Coy Sjt Major Barker, H (DCM)
Private Barker, R
Private Barkess, T
Private Barlow, T
Lance Corporal Barnes, W E (MM)
Serjeant Barnett, W A (MM)
Corporal Barrett, G
Private Barron, J W
Private Barrow, J
Private Barry, J E
Private Bartrom, J
Private Bateman, A
Private Bateman, R
Private Bates, W H
Private Batey, W
Captain Batty, W L
Serjeant Baxter, A
Private Baxter, M
Private Beamson, R
Private Bean, W
Corporal Beaumont, R L
Private Beck, J
Private Beevers, H
Private Bellerby, R
Private Bell, A M
Private Bell, F
Private Bell, J F
Private Bell, J W
Private Bell, L D
Private Bell, W (16679)
Private Bell, W (33052)
Private Bentley, A
Private Biggins, W
Corporal Birkby, M E
Private Birkett, E
Private Birkett, T W
Private Bishop, E
Private Blakey, W
Private Blake, B
Private Blance, J
Private Bland, J
Private Bland, T
Private Blenkey, J (MM)
Private Blower, T
Private Blyth, P
Private Boal, J
Private Bolton, G
Private Booth, A
Private Booth, J
Private Borrow, D
Private Borrow(s), J R
Private Bousfield, T
Private Bowen, R
Private Bowes, G W
Private Bowman, E
Private Bowman, H
Private Bowman, J
Private Bowman, T (MM)
Private Boyes, H
Serjeant Boyes, W
Private Brack, F W
Coy Sjt Major Bradish, G W
Private Brady, P
Private Braithwaite, W
Private Brass, G A
Private Bray, J
Private Bray, W J
Private Breckon, A
Private Briggs, J
Private Britton, G W
Private Broadbent, H
Private Brockson, J W
Private Brookes, H
Private Brooks, O
Serjeant Brook, A
Private Brough, G H
Private Brown, F J
Private Brown, F R
Private Brown, H
Private Brown, H C
Private Brown, J
Private Brown, J
Private Brown, J A D
Private Brown, J C
Private Brown, J T
Private Brown, T W
Private Brown, W
Private Bruce, H F
Private Brundall, R W
Serjeant Buck, A
Lance Corporal Buck, A E
Private Buckle, J
Private Buckley, I
Lance Corporal Buckley, J
Private Bunting, J
Serjeant Burlison, E
Private Burn, B
Private Burnett, J
Private Burney, W
Serjeant Burns, T
Private Burrows, F
Lance Corporal Burt, G
Private Burton, B
Private Burton, W
Private Butcher, J W
Private Butler, J E
Private Bye, T

Thiepval Memorial-names-A
Private Cable, J W
Private Charlesworth, S
Private Cain, E
Private Calvert, J
Private Campbell, R
Private Campbell, W
Private Camps, C
Lance Serjeant Carr, B
Private Carr, J
Corporal Carr, R
Private Carter, A
Serjeant Carter, C
Private Carter, F
Private Carver, F
Lieutenant Casebourne, R T
Private Cattle, D
Lance Corporal Cattle, J
Private Cave, T W
Private Chadwick, W
Private Chamberlain, A
Private Chambers, G
Private Chapman, E
Private Chapman, J
Private Chapplow, J
Private Charlesworth, S
Private Charlton, L T
Private Child, W J M
Private Chilton, T H
Private Christie, R M
Private Churchill, M
Corporal Churchley, G
Private Clark, H
Private Clark, J
Private Clark, J R
Serjeant Clark, T
Private Clark, T
Private Clarke, J (19645)
Private Clarke, J (3/6826)
Private Clarkson, J
Lance Corporal Clement, J G
Private Close, T W
Private Cloughton, J
2nd Lieutenant Coates, A
Private Coates, S
Private Coates, T
Private Coates, T W
Private Cockfield, W
Private Cocking, T
Private Coe, F J
Private Cole, N
Corporal Collins, J
Private Collinson, A E
Private Collinson, T G
Private Connolly, J
Private Connolly, J P
Private Cook, J
Private Cooke, A
Private Cooke, R
Private Cooke, W (DCM)
Private Cooling, W
Private Cooper, J (13085)
Private Cooper, J (5565)
Private Cooper, J R
Private Cope, A
2nd Lieutenant Cornaby, H A
Private Cornish, J
Private Corns, L
Private Corr, M
Private Coser, E
Private Costello, G R
Private Costello, P
Private Cotton, S
Lance Corporal Coultas, A W
Private Couper, J
Lance Corporal Cowan, T
Private Cowlard, W J
Private Crabtree, G
Private Craddock, T
Private Cranson, J
Private Cregan, J
Private Crisp, E
Private Crosby, C
Private Crosby, J
Private Cross, E
Private Crowther, S
Serjeant Crute, S
Private Cummin, M
Private Cummings, S
Private Cundill, C
Private Cunnah, J
Private Cunningham, G
Private Curtis, H
Private Cusworth, J

Thiepval Memorial-names-D
Private Dakin, J A
Private Dale, J
Private Dalton, C
Private Darwin, R
Private Davis, J
Private Davis, J W
Private Davis, W G
Private Davy, W
Private Dawson, C G
Lance Corporal Dawson, R
Private Deighton, T E
Private Delaney, P E
Serjeant Dempsey, P (DCM)
Private Denning, J W
Private Dennis, J W
Rifleman Devine, D
Private Dews, W
Private Dick, J A
Private Dickinson, A
Private Dixon, G
Lance Corporal Dixon, J
Private Dixon, R W
Serjeant Dixon, T
Private Dixon, T
Private Dixon, W

Private Dobbs, J
Lance Corporal Dobie, J G
Private Dobson, I
Private Dodds, A
Private Dodds, W
Captain Dodgson, F (2)
Private Doherty, J
Private Donaldson, H
Private Done, J W
Private Doran, J
Lance Corporal Douglas, J
Private Dove, A W
Private Dover, J
Private Downes, M K
Private Drew, T
Private Duffy, T (MM)
Lance Corporal Dunham, S
Private Dunn, E
Private Dunn, H P
Private Dunn, J
Private Dunn, T
Lance Corporal Dunning, A
Private Dunnington, A
Private Durham, J W
Private Durkin, T
Private Dyer, R

Thiepval Memorial-names-E
Private Eales, W
2nd Lieutenant Eames, A H
Private Earnshaw, F
Private Eastham, J
Private Eastwood, G
Serjeant Eaves, A W
Private Edgley, H
Private Edmond, D
Private Elkins, C E
Serjeant Ellam, A F
Corporal Ellershaw, S
Private Elliott, T
Private Elliott, W
Private Ellis H (19320)
Private Ellis H (27400)
Private Emerson, C N
Private Evans, E
Private Evans, H V
Private Evans, R G
Private Exley, C W

Thiepval Memorial-names-F
Private Fairbridge, W
Private Falgan, G E
Private Farnaby, T
Private Farquharson, A
Serjeant Farrance, A E
Private Fawcett, H C
Private Fearon, M
Private Featherstone, M
Private Ferguson, H L
Private Firth, L
Private Firth, W
Private Fish, H
Private Fishwick, J
Coy Sjt Major Flemming, G H
Private Flett, J
Corporal Fluskey, W G
Private Flute, R
Lance Serjeant Foley, T
Private Formstone, G H
Private Forster, J
Private Forster, J G
Private Foster, F
Private Fox, H
Private Foxton, J T
Private Frankland, E
Private Fraser, C W
Serjeant French, G W
Private Frith, I
Private Fuller, P
Private Fullerton, T B
Private Furnie, J W
Private Furniss, G H
Thiepval Memorial-names-G
Private Gallagher, J
Private Gallagher, M
Lance Corporal Gallear, J
Private Gardiner, D
Private Gardiner, G
Private Gardner, M
Private Gibbon, J
Serjeant Gibson, A
Lieutenant Gibson, J
Corporal Gildea, D (DCM)
Private Gilfellon, H
Captain Gill, B E
Private Gill, J
Private Gillings, J E
Lance Serjeant Goddard, G H
Private Godsmark, F B
Private Godsmark, W E
Captain Goldsmith, L W
2nd Lieutenant Goodall, A C
Corporal Goodchild, S
Private Gorman, C
Private Gorman H
2nd Lieutenant Gorton, G H
Private Goswell, F J
Private Gouldsbrough, J
Private Graham, H
Private Graham, J R
Private Graham, R
Private Graham, T
Coy Sjt Major Grant, H P
Private Greaves, E
Lance Corporal Green, W W
Private Greenshields, W
Private Gregan, P J
Private Gregory, S
Private Grey, J W
Private Griffiths, W
Private Groves, A
Private Groves, R M
Serjeant Grummett, T
Private Grunwell, H R

Private Gurden, W
Private Guyll, P

Thiepval Memorial-names-H
Corporal Haigh, H
Private Haines, J T
Private Haines, R
Private Hale, H
Private Hall, C H
Private Hall, C N
Private Hall, E
Private Hall, E S
Private Hall, F G
Private Hall, G W
Private Hall, R
Private Hall, R G
Private Hall, R J
Private Hall, S
Private Hall, T (11885)
Private Hall, T (13686)
Private Hall, T (15942)
Private Hall, W H
Private Hammell, J G
Private Hammond, J
Private Hammond, J G
Private Handyside, A
Private Hanna, J
Private Hardy, E
Lance Corporal Hardy, G H
Private Hardy, W
Private Harfield, G G
Private Hargreaves, W
Private Harper, H
Private Harpley, W
Private Harrington, J D
Private Harris, F

Private Harris, H
Private Harrison, F
Private Harrison, G
Private Harrison, J L
2nd Lieutenant Hart, E O
Private Hart, J R
Private Harwood, J W

Serjeant Hatfield, T F
Private Hatton, C T
Private Hawkins, S J
Lance Corporal Haxby, J
Private Hayden, G
Private Hayes, J H
Private Hayes, J T
Corporal Hayes, W
2nd Lieutenant Hayton, W J
Private Hayward, R J
Private Hazel, J
Corporal Hazlegrove, W
Private Head, R G
Serjeant Headlam, T
Private Healey, J
Lance Corporal Heatley, T
Private Hedley, T
Private Hemingway, J A
Lance Corporal Henham, F
Private Hennighen, F
Lance Corporal Hepburn, W S
Private Hepton, H
Private Hepworth, W
Private Herbert, J E
Lieutenant Hermiston, F
Private Heseltine, M (20348)
Private Heseltine, M (20349)
Private Hesselden, H
Private Hetherington, T
Private Hethrington, G
Private Hewson, G
Private Hey, J H
Lieutenant Hicking, G G
Private Hicks, C E
Private Hill, J
Lance Serjeant Hill, J R
Private Hill, P S
Private Hill, R
Private Hill, W
Private Hines, J
Lance Corporal Hird, W
Private Hitchen, T
Private Hobson, R
Private Hodgson, E
Private Hodgson, J R
Private Hodgson, P B
Private Hodgson, W H
Private Hodson, H
Private Holland, J H
Lance Corporal Holliday, J
Private Hollinshead, S
Private Holmes, J
Corporal Holsey, H G
Private Holt, C J
Corporal Holt, G
Private Holton, P J
Private Hooker, A R

Private Hooker, H J
Private Hope, S
Private Hopton, J E
Private Hopwood, W K
Private Horn, J W
Private Hornsey, M
Private Howarth, J R
Private Howe, J G
Private Howgate, W H
Lieutenant Hubbard, W D
2nd Lieutenant Hudson, J B
Private Hudson, R F
Private Hughes, J T
Private Hull, G
Private Humble, J
Private Humphrey, J
Private Hunt, R J
Private Hunter, D
Private Hunter, G P
Private Hunter, J T
Serjeant Hunter, N
2nd Lieutenant Hurst, H C
Private Husband, J W
Corporal Husband, T
Private Hutchinson, J J
Corporal Hutton, F

Thiepval Memorial-names-I
Private Inglis, H
Private Inman, H
Private Ireland, M

Thiepval Memorial-names-J
Private Jack, R A
Private Jackson, F
Lance Corporal Jackson, H
Private Jackson, J
Private Jackson, T W
Private Jameson, S
Private Jaques, W
Private Jarvis, G
Private Jarvis, M
Private Jeffery, J
Private Jenkins, H
Private Jenkinson, W
Private Jervelund, F
Private Jobson, W
Private Johnson, A
Private Johnson, C B
Private Johnson, H (1281)
Private Johnson, H (5458)
Private Johnson, J
Private Johnson, T J
Private Johnston, A

Private Jones, A E
Private Jones, C
Private Jones, E
Private Jones, E
Private Jones, E

Private Jones, J
Private Judson, E

Thiepval Memorial-names-K
Private Keers. J E
Corporal Kelly, M
Private Kendall, F G
Private Kennedy, J
Private Kenvyn, T W
Private Kilburn, T
2nd Lieutenant Kinnach, S J
Private Kirby, T G
Private Kirk, H
Lance Corporal Kitchener, H W
Private Kitching, H
Private Knapton, F
Lance Corporal Knott, A
Private Knott, J
Private Knubley, J T

Thiepval Memorial-names-L
Private Laidler, G W
Private Laing, E
2nd Lieutenant Laing, H N
2nd Lieutenant Laird, H B
Private Laister, T
Serjeant Lamb, J H
Private Lamb, W
Rifleman Lambert, F
Private Lambert, G
Private Lambert, R H
Private Lancaster, G H
Private Lancaster, T H
Private Laverick, J
Private Laverick, W
Private Lawery, J (1)
2nd Lieutenant Lawrence, H
Private Lawson, D S
Rifleman Lawson, W H
Lance Corporal Lawton, L
Lance Corporal Lax, I
Private Lazenby, W
Private Lee, T
Private Lees, A G
Private Leighton, C
Private Lester, H E
Private Leyburn, J
Lance Corporal Lightburn, J
Private Lightfoot, N H
Private Lightowlers, I
Private Lilley, P
Lance Serjeant Limmer, J T
Private Linsley, J
Private Lister, A
Private Littlefair, W C
Corporal Littlewood, H
Serjeant Lockwood, T (MM)
Lance Corporal Long, F
Private Longfield, L
Private Longstaff, R
Private Lorains, W R
Private Lowe, J
Private Lowery, J (1)
Private Lynam, F
Private Lyon, T
Corporal Lyth, A

Thiepval Memorial-names-M
2nd Lieutenant MacFarlane, I C
Private Macken, J
Private MacMillan, D
Private Magor, L
Private Maguire, D
Private Magson, F
Private Mainforth, G
Corporal Mallalieu, E
Private Maloney, P
Private Maplesden, F
Private Marsay, F G
Private Marshall, G
Private Martin, J
Private Martin, J W
Private Massey, W W
Private Matthews, J
Private Matthews, L
Serjeant McArdle, D
Private McCarthy, C
2nd Lieutenant McCarthy, N F
Lance Corporal McCullock, J (MM)
Private McDonough, A
Private McGregor, T R
Lance Corporal McGrother, J
Lance Corporal McGuinness, A
Rflmn McGurk, P
Private McKee, E
Private McKenzie, J D
Private McLellan, T
Private McManus, P
Private McQuen, J W
Private Mee, A
Private Mennell, A
Private Middleton, J E
Lieutenant MIles, G
2nd Lieutenant Mills, W C
Private Milner, G R
2nd Lieutenant Mitchell, T J
2nd Lieutenant Moir, D D D K
Private Monkhouse, C
Private Monkman, H
Lance Corporal Moore, H
Private Moore, S
Private Morgan, W A (MM)
Private Morland, E
Lance Corporal Morley, W H
Private Morris, E
Private Morris, R H
Private Mortimer, C
Private Morton, A
Private Morton, J
Private Moult, M A
Private Mulligan, A
Private Mulloy, J P
Corporal Munroe, R
Private Murphy, C
Private Murphy, E
Private Murphy, H
Private Murphy, J
Lance Corporal Musgrove, G
Private Musther, H
Serjeant Myers, J

Thiepval Memorial-names-M
Private Neesome, C G
Private Nelson, G W
Lance Corporal Nelson, T
Private Newby, C
Corporal Newton, F
Private Newton, H L
Private Nicholson, C
Private Nicholson, F
Private Nicholson, J
Private Nightingale, W V
Private Nind, W S
Private Norris, R
Private North, F
Private Northcott, W H
Private Nyland, J

Thiepval Memorial-names-O
Private O'Brien, J
Private O'Brien, J H
Private O'Brien, P
Private O'Neil, P
Private O'Neill, E
Private O'Shea, J
Private Oakes, J G
Private Ogden, T
Private Olliffe, P (MM)
Rifleman Osborne, A E
Private Osborne, H
Lance Corporal Otterson, J
Private Oxley, R A
Thiepval Memorial-names-P
Private Pace, T
Private Padgett, L
Lance Corporal Park, L
Private Parker, C
Private Parker, H
Private Parker, J
Lance Corporal Parker, R
Private Parker, T
Private Parker, W
Private Parkinson, J A
Private Parks, B
Private Partridge, T
Serjeant Pattison, T E
Private Patworth, T A
Corporal Paylor, A
Private Payne, W A
Private Peacock, J
Private Peacock, J W
Private Pennock, J A
Private Pennock, T H
Private Perks, G
2nd Lieutenant Perry, J
Lance Corporal Petty, J
Lance Corporal Pexton, F
2nd Lieutenant Phillips, H
Private Pickard, J A
Private Pickering, A
Private Pickering, F
Private Pickering, W H
Corporal Pilgim, M
Private Pinnegar, J G
Private Pippard, E W
Private Pitchford, A
Private Pollard, H
Private Poole, F L
Lance Serjeant Pope, R L
Private Porritt, H H
Private Porritt, T
Private Porritt, T E
Lance Corporal Porter, J
Private Postill, H
Private Poulter, F
Private Pratt, T
Private Prentice, H
Private Prest, T
Private Price, J
Private Pringle, G I
Private Proud, H C
Private Proudlack, D A (4)
Private Prunty, J T
Private Purnell, E
Serjeant Pusey, H
Corporal Putland, S
Private Pycraft, H
Lance Corporal Pyle, T H

Thiepval Memorial-names-Q
Serjeant Quinn, M

Thiepval Memorial-names-R
Serjeant Rabey, F
Corporal Ramshaw, G
Private Ramshaw, J
Private Ramshaw, R H
Private Ransome, J E A
Private Raper, A E
Private Rawlings, W H
Private Rayner, W
Lance Corporal Reader, H
Private Reading, F L
Private Readman, W H
Private Redding, A G
Private Redding, W
Serjeant Reed, F N
Corporal Reed, G
Private Reed, J
Serjeant Reilly, J
Private Renney, T H
Private Reuben, J
Private Rhodes, D
Private Richardson, C W
2nd Lieutenant Richardson, E
2nd Lieutenant Richardson, G A
Lance Corporal Richardson, J S
Private Richardson, R
Serjeant Richmond, F
Private Rickaby, G
Corporal Riddle, J
Private Ridley, C
Private Riley, P
Private Ripley, W
Private Risley, F S
Private Robbings, F E
Private Roberts, D
Private Roberts, R
Serjeant Robinson, C L
Private Robinson, F
Private Robinson, G
Private Robinson, J R
Private Robinson, P H
Private Robinson, R
Private Robinson, T
Lieutenant Robinson, T E
Private Robinson, T H
Private Robson, A
Private Robson, F W

Private Robson, J
Private Robson, T
Private Robson, W O
Private Rodway, W H
Private Rogers, J
Private Rose, G
Corporal Ross, A
Private Rowan, J P
Private Rowse, J
Private Roy, A
Private Royer, G A
Private Rudderforth, J W
2nd Lieutenant Rudge, R T
2nd Lieutenant Rushworth, F A
Private Rushworth, J A
Private Ruston, J H
Private Ryan, M
Private Rylatt, A H
Lance Corporal Rymer, J

Thiepval Memorial-names-S
Private Sadler, J
Private Salmon, T
Private Salt, P
Lance Corporal Sample, F W
Private Sanderson, E
Private Sarginson, W
Private Sayer, E
Private Sayers, J
Private Scoby, H
Lance Corporal Scott, A
Private Scott, D
Private Seaman, A S D
Private Seaman, A W
Private Seargearson, J
Private Sellers, A
Private Seymour, T W
Private Sharp, A
Private Shepherd, E
Private Shepherd, J H
Private Shepherd, W
Private Sheppard, W
Captain Shepherd-Turneham, N P
Private Shipley, A
2nd Lieutenant Shipley, A H B
Private Shippey, T
Private Shore, A
Private Siddall, H R G
Private Simmons, C
Corporal Simons, F
Private Skeen, J G
Private Skinner, J R
Corporal Slee, J H
Private Smith, A B
Private Smith, A (2668)
Private Smith, A (27529)
Private Smith, B
Private Smith, C W
Private Smith, D
Private Smith, F
Private Smith, F W
Private Smith, G
Private Smith, H (9503)
Lance Corporal Smith, H
Private Smith, H (18101)
Private Smith H C
Corporal Smith, J
Rifleman Smith, J
Private Smith, J J
Private Smith, J W
Private Smith, S
Private Smith, T
Private Smith, W A
Private Smith, W (16658)
Private Smith, W (23234)
Private Smith, W (27950)
Private Smith, W E
Private Smurthwaite, J

Private Sommerfield, H
Private Southwick, S
Lance Corporal Sowerby, E E

Private Spence, W
Private Spencer, G
Private Spencer, P G
Corporal Spoors, W
Private Stabler, G F
Private Stainton, E
Private Staley, W
Private Stead, A H
Private Steele, E
Private Steele, H
Private Steinbach, W A
Private Stephenson, G T
Corporal Stephenson, H C
Private Stephenson, R
Lance Corporal Stocks, D
Private Stokes, A
Private Stone, H
Serjeant Stonehouse, W
Private Stopp, A T
Private Storer, A
Private Storey, W
Private Stothard, C H
2nd Lieutenant Stout, G F
Private Stracey, S
2nd Lieutenant Strathern, T D
Private Stringer, F
Corporal Strong, G
2nd Lieutenant Strugnell, A C
Private Studham, J
Lance Corporal Sturdy, F
Private Suggitt, W (MM)

Thiepval Memorial-names-T
Serjeant Tankard, J
Private Tarbottom, W C
Private Tattersall, W
Private Taylor, A V
Private Taylor, D
Private Taylor, G D
Private Taylor, G E
Private Teasdale, J W
Private Teasdale, W
Corporal Tempest, A
Private Tennison, G W
Private Thackeray, A
Private Theaker, R
Private Thomas, G L
Private Thomas, T E
Private Thompson, A
Private Thompson, J I
Private Thompson, J W J
Lance Corporal Thompson, L
Private Thompson, S
Private Thompson, T
Private Thompson, W
Lance Corporal Thorn, L
Private Thorne, J
Private Thornton, J E
Private Thurston, F T
Private Thwaites, H
Private Tiernan, P
Private Tillotson, W
Serjeant Timmins, W E
Private Tindale, R V
Private Tomlinson, J R
Private Tooke, H
Private Towndrow, E
Private Townend, D
Private Townsend, J
Private Towse, A
Private Trattles, T W
Serjeant Tudor, J H
Private Tuffs, J
Private Tunstall, J
Private Tunstall, S
Private Turley, C S
Private Turnbull, G E
Private Turner, H
Private Turner, W
Private Tweedy, W

Thiepval Memorial-names-U
Private Underwood, G W
Private Underwood, T
Private Uren, F
Private Urwin, F N
Private Usher, G E

Thiepval Memorial-names-V
Private Vickers, G

Thiepval Memorial-names-W
Private Wade, A
Corporal Waggitt, J
Private Wainwright, E
Private Waistell, J
Private Waite, R
Private Walker, F
Private Walker, G
Private Walker, H
Private Walker, J

Private Walker, T H
Private Wall, D
Private Waller, J F
Private Waller, R E
Private Waller, R H
Private Wallis, A
Private Walsh, P
Corporal Walton, C V
Private Wanless, W
Private Ward, A
Private Ward, E
Private Ward, H W
Lance Serjeant Warley, A
Corporal Waters, R
Private Watson, A
Private Watson, C G
Private Watson, E
Serjeant Watson, G F
Private Watson, H
Private Watson, J
Private Watson, J F
Private Watson, J N
Private Watson, R
Lance Corporal Watson, R
Lance Corporal Watson, W H
2nd Lieutenant Watson, W W
Private Watson, W (201062)
Private Watson, W (3878)
Private Weatherall, J
Private Webb, R F
Private Webster, H
Private Weighell, J
Private Welham, J W
Private Wells, G
Private Wells, J
Private Welsh, E
Private West, J
Private Westwood J W
Private White, J D (16233)
Private White, J D (19628)
Serjeant White, W
Private Whitehouse, H
Private Whiteley, H
Private Whiting, J R
rivate Whitwood, C E
Private Widdas, J E
Private Wilby, D
Private Wilds, F
Private Wilkinson, B
2nd Lieutenant Wilkinson, B J
Corporal Wilkinson, F
Serjeant Wilkinson G H (MM)
Lance Corporal Williams, G S
Private Williams, H
Private Williams, J L
Private Williams, W
Private Williamson, W
Lance Corporal Willis, A
Private Willis, R A
Private Wilsher, W
Private Wilson, A J
Private Wilson, C
Private Wilson, J
Private Wilson, J
Private Wilson, J A
Private Wilson, M
Private Wilson, S
Private Wilson, T A
Serjeant Wilson, W E
Private Wilson, W H
Private Windross, H
Private Wise, E
Private Wood, C
Private Wood, F
Private Wood, T
Private Woodmansey, R G
Private Woods, F
Private Woodward, B
Private Wray, A
Private Wright, E
Private Wright, H H

Private Wright, J
Corporal Wright, J G (DCM)
Serjeant Wright, W R
Private Wrigley, G A
2nd Lieutenant Wyld, C G
Private Wynne, J H

Thiepval Memorial-names-Y
Lance Corporal Young, H
Lance Corporal Young, J (11634)
Private Young, J (16574)
Private Young, W

(1) The name "Private J Lawery" is carved into the Yorkshire Regiment panel on the Thiepval Memorial but this appears to be an error. The correct name is "Private J Lowery" and this name also appears on the panel.
(2) Originally appeared on the memorial, but he is buried in the SERRE ROAD CEMETERY.
(3) Correct name was "Proudlock".

The top of the Thiepval Memorial
The top of the Thiepval Memorial
(Photo : Edward Nicholl)

Addenda Panel (1), 2nd Lieutenant Lawson, on the Thiepval MemorialAddenda Panel (1), 2nd Lieutenant Lawson, on the Thiepval Memorial
Photograph by Richard Roberts (<richard.nsw@googlemail.com>)

Addenda Panel (2), Private H Webster, on the Thiepval MemorialAddenda Panel (2), Private H Webster, on the Thiepval Memorial
Photograph by Richard Roberts (<richard.nsw@googlemail.com>)

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