- The Yorkshire Regiment, First World War
Photos and Biographies of
The photos of individual soldiers are presented with biographical
data where this is available. Some of the photos are of poor quality, but
are the best to hand.
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please first select from the initial
letter for the surname (below).
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Joseph ALLEN, 28316
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Gerald Wallace ADAM |

Private Aubrey ADAMS, 24340 |

Private David ADAMS, 204989 |

Colonel Walter Lorenzo ALEXANDER |

Sergeant, later Major, Frank Leonard ALLEN

Corporal William ANDERSON, 8191. VC. |

Lance Corporal Fred APPLETON, 1605 |

Lieutenant William APPLEYARD |

Private Arnold Edward ARCHER, 79044 |

Lieutenant William Harold ARMITAGE, MC |

Serjeant John Laidlaw ARMSTRONG, 14105 |

Lance Corporal James Lowes ASH. 13996.13996 |

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Lowndes ASPINALL,

Prive Fred ATHERTON, 7551. |

Captain Freeman Archibald Haynes ATKEY. |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain E G C BAGSHAWE |

Private Samel BAILEY, 11648 |

Lieutenant Thomas Henry Thriscutt BALE |

2nd Lieutenant Oliver Herbert BALL |

2nd Lieutenant Walter William BALL |

Captain Geoffrey Carew BARBER |

Private Leonard Henry BARBER, 241848 |

Lieutenant Lionel K BARNETT |

CQMS Frederick Arthur BARR |

Captain William Liley BATTY |

Private Thomas BEAUMONT, 235487 |

2nd Lieutenant Donald Simpson BELL, VC |

2nd Lieutenant Thomas Henry Andrew BELL |

Private Matthew BENDELOW, 18407 |
Private Richard BENNETT, 13041 |
Private William Henry Stanley BERRY, 120220 |
Private George Digby BESWICK, 39400
(CPGW) |
Private Arthur BIELBY, 28341 |
2nd Lieutenant Herman Bysshe Bagshaw BICKNELL |
Private Alfred BINKS, 203460 |
Private Harold BINKS, 235223. (CPGW) |
2nd Lieutenant Raymond Louis BINNS |
Major William Claud Kennedy BIRCH, MC |
Private Thomas BLAND, 16236 |
L/Cpl Robert BLEZARD, 14190 |
Private William John BLORE, 3/8307 |
Private Walter BOLLANDS, 3570 |
Private Fred BOLLANDS, 4399 / 26199 |

Major Reginald Edwin BOND |

Private Ambrose BOWER, MM 7584
(CPGW) |

Captain George Hutton BOWES-WILSON |

Private Thomas BOYES, 21474 |

Captain Cecil Aubrey BRADFORD |

Private Ernest BRADNAM, 33415 |

Private Charles Henry BREARLEY, 30632 |

Sergeant William R BRIDGETT, 3/8605 |

Private Robert BRITTON. 39469 |

2nd Lieutenant Eric William BRODRICK |

Lieutenant Hugh Godfrey BROOKSBANK |

Captain Ernest Scott BROUN |

Private Allan BROWN, 33447 |

Private David Alexander BROWN, 30004 |

2nd Lieutenant John William BROWN |

Private Willie BROWN, 27545
(CPGW) |

Captain William BROWNLIE, MC |

Private Arthur Frederick BRUCE, 43650
(CPGW) |

Lieutenant Norman Martin BRUCE |

Captain John Ernscleugh BRYDON |

L/Cpl Arthur Edward BUCK, 240495 |

2nd Lieutenant William BUCKLE |

Private Thomas Henry BURGESS, 19661 |

Private Arthur V BURN, 3849 |

Captain Cecil Arthur Mecrate BUTCHER |

Private Henry BUTCHER, 18439 |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain Bertram Cunliffe CAMM, MC |

2nd Lieutenant John Greenbank CAMPBELL |

Private Percy William CARTMELL. 4827 / 201686 |

Lieutenant Hugh de Chastelai CASLEY |

Corporal John Thomas CATON. 788 |

Private Robert CATON. 38857 |

Private James William CAVE. 8592 |

Private David CHALLIS. 10453 |

Lieutenant Colonel Edward Henry CHAPMAN |

Captain Harold CHAPMAN |

Captain Wilfred Hubert CHAPMAN |

Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Hedley CHARLTON,
MC |

Lieutenant Walter Anfrid Auschar CHAUNCY |

Private William CHRISTIE. 30041 |

Private Victor George CHURCH. 35109 |

Private William CLARK. 1269 / 240125 |

Private Frederick Benjamin CLARKE. 2359 |

Private Tom CLARKE. 8796.
(CPGW) |

Lieutenant Harold Brearley COATES |

Lieutenant William Henry COLES
(CPGW) |

Private Robson COLLEGE, MM. 12785 |

Lieutenant W H COLLEY |

Captain Herbert Norman CONSTANTINE, MC |

Major Robert Alfred CONSTANTINE |

Lieutenant Colonel William Whitesmith CONSTANTINE |

Corporal Herbert COOK, MM. 1828 |
Private William COOKE, DCM. 29659 |

Private Thomas Henry COPE. 8796.
(CPGW) |

Captain Robert Boulton CORSER |

Private Robert CRACKNELL. 235044 |

Lieutenant George Ernest Lister CRESSEY. |

Private Cornelius CRONAN. 4079 |

Major James Smart CRONE |
Lieutenant Marlborough Evelyn Bradford CROSSE. |

Captain Hugh Carlton CUMBERBATCH |

Private Robert CUMMINGS. 11312 |

Captain George Grafton CURREY |

Corporal Arthur CURSON. 5381 |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Vernon George DANIELS. 35730 |

Private William Henry DARLOW. 202233 |

2nd Lieutenant Erasmus DARWIN. |

2nd Lieutenant Lionel Adolf David DAVID. |

Private James DAYNES. 8654 |

2nd Lieutenant John Follansbee Bredin DELAP.

Private Richard DENT, 24497 (CPGW) |

Private John DINSDALE. 36063 (CPGW) |

Private John Robert DINSDALE. 13157 (CPGW) |

Private Ben DOBBY. 42730 (CPGW) |

Captain Francis DODGSON. |

Private Ernest Sydney DONCASTER. 91858 |

Major John Charles Edward DOUGLAS. |

Private George DOWNHAM. 1443 |

Private John William DOWSON. 203088 |

2nd Lieutenant William DOWSON |

Private Sydney Alfred DUCKETT. 3331 |

Private Thomas DUNNELL. 203050 |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

2nd Aylmer EADE. |

2nd Lieutenant Mitchell EADON. |

Private Farrand EARNSHAW. 27500 |

Private John EASTHAM. 27502
(CPGW) |

Private Michael EGAN 7201

Private Charles ELKINS. 33512

Private Albert Prattley EMMITT. 242552 |

Private Leonard George EVERETT. 33099 |

Private Tom EVERITT. 7706 |

Private Walter Henry EVETTS. 13401 |
--------------> Return to Top of
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

2nd Lieutenant Francis William Alexander FAITHFULL |

Private James Bell FAWCETT. 32973.
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant William Vernon FENTON |

Private Thomas Edward FERGUSON. MM. 17794 |

Lieutenant Harold FIRTH |

Serjeant Albert Edward FISHER. 14419 |

CSM George Henry FLEMMING. 3/8878 |

Private Frank Eric FORD. 33787 |

Private Charlton Waggett FORSTER. 14486 |

Private Joseph FORSTER. 15576 |

Lieutenant Colonel Cusack Grant FORSYTH, DSO |

Private John William FOSTER. 41852.
(CPGW) |

Lieutenant Ernest Vivian FOX, MC DCM* |

Private Harris FOX. 27527 |

Private James FOXTON. 1501 |

2nd Lieutenant Edward FRANK |

Private Thomas FRANK. 7787 |

Lieutenant-General Sir William Edmund FRANKLYN

Serjeant Hugh McPherson FRASER. |

2nd Lieutenant Cecil James FREEESTON.

Private John Henry FRENCH. 11015 |

CSM Herbert FRIEND, MM. 9970 |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Percy GARNER. 202108 |

Private Norman GARNETT. 40061
(CPGW) |

Private John GERAGHTY. 10380 |

2nd Lieutenant Leslie Keith GIFFORD-WOOD |

Captain Lewis Wilberforce GOLDSMITH |

2nd Lieutenant Arthur Charles GOODALL |

Private Francis Elijah GOODING. 20909 |

Private Charles GOODWIN. |

2nd Lieutenant Hugh Colbourne GRAHAM |

Lieutenant Malcolm Hewley GRAHAM |

Private Thomas GRAHAM. 16305 |

Private Aaron GREEN. 18438 |

Private Thomas GREENWOOD. 35151 |

Lieutenant Colonel Sir Robert Nevill Benyon GUNTER

Private Thomas GUY. 18016 |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Colonel Arthur de Salis HADOW |

Lieutenant Gerald Francis HADOW |

2nd Lieutenant George Esmond HAGGIE. |

Private George HAITHWAITE. 7097 |

Lieutenant Arthur Ernest HALL |

Captain Durham Donald George HALL, MC |

Lieutenant John Dampier HALLIFAX |

Serjeant John HARE. 254 |

Private Alfred HARPER. 27049
(CPGW) |

Captain John Alexander HARPER |

Private Rowland HARPER. 28754
(CPGW) |

Private William HARPER. 1472 |

Private William Amos HARRIS. 19667 |

Private George Wilfred HARRISON. 2316 |

Corporal James Thomas HARRISON. 12552 |

Captain William Alexander HARRISON |

Private Gordon George HARFIELD. 9230 |

2nd Lieutenant Frederick Charles HATTON |

Private Rowland Garfield HAYES. 26275 |

Captain William Harold HAYNES, DSO |

Private William HEARNE. 204146 |

Private William HEMSLEY. 20542 (CPGW) |

Lance Corporal Frank HENSHAW. 18452 |

Private Matthew HESELTINE. 20348
(CPGW) |

Private Matthew HESELTINE. 20349
(CPGW) |

Corporal John HETHERINGTON. 201872 |

Private Charles Edwin HICKS. 28420 |

Sergeant George Richard HILL. 9881 |

2nd Lieutenant William Henry Ostler HILL |
2nd Lieutenant George Cedric HODGKINSON.
Private Fred HODGSON. 3277 |

Private Thomas James Allen HODGSON. 27756 (CPGW) |
Private Thomas Joseph HOLBROOK. 16959 |

Private William HOOD. 16310 |

Private James HOPE. 17452 |

Private John William HORN. 5176
(CPGW) |

Lace Sgt Arthur James HOWES. 33102 |

Private Nicholas Austin HUDSON. 38712 |

2nd Lieutenant Frederick Hunter HYLAND. |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain Leonard Percy I'ANSON |
--------------> Return to Top of
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Major Basil JACKSON. DSO, TD |

CQSM William James JACKSON. C de G. 200333 |

Lieutenant Arthur JAMES |

Captain Claud Gifford JEFFERY |

2nd Lieut William Frederick JELLEY, MC |

Lieutenant Basil Spencer JENNINGS |

Private Frederick JOHNSON. 8697 |

Captain Loftus Edward Perceval JONES |

Private William JONES. 3//6496. |

Revd William Edgar JONES |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain Stanley Burnett KAY |

Regimental Serjeant Major Harold KEETLEY, MC. 7449 |

Corporal Michael KELLY. 16955 |

Lieutenant Ernest Charles KEMP. |

Private Mark KENDALL. 15165 |

Corporal Thomas KENNEDY. 15137 |

Lieutenant Philip Chabert KIDD |

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Arthur Cecil KING |

Lance Corporal Horace John KING. 9311 |

2nd Lieutenant Samuel James KINNACH |

Lance Corporal William Edward KINSEY. 202972 |

Private Edward KIRKBY. 1963 |

2nd Lieutenant William John KIRKWOOD. |

Private Walter KNIGHTS. 20932 |

2nd Lieutenant George Clarence KNOWLES |

Lieutenant Hubert Stanley KREYER |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

2nd Lieutenant Hugh Blackhall LAIRD |

Captain Eric Noel LAMBERT. MC |

Lieutenant Maurice Bovingdon LAMBERT |

Private Percy LAMBERT. 34851.
(CPGW) |

Private Samuel Kirk LAMBERT. 30337.
(CPGW) |

Private Walter LAWRENCE. 24767 |

Private James Williamr LAWS. 35481 |

Private Edwin LAZENBY. 24990 |

Sapper Thomas Henry LEADBEATER. 323510 |

Private Fred LEALMAN. 21657
(CPGW) |

Lieutenant Colonel Bertram Henry LEATHAM, DSO |

Lieutenant Frank Cooper LEDGARD |

Captain Ernest Geoffrey Carrington LE SUEUR |

Captain Hugh LEVIN |

L / Serjeant John Thomas LIMMER, 11491.
(CPGW) |

Private James LISTER. 7637 |

Colonel John William LODGE. |

Private George Albert LONG. 220167 |

Private Robert LUMSDEN. 17479 |

Private Joseph Gibson LUNN |

Private Arthur Tom LUTY. 8032.
(CPGW) |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Tom METCALFE. 26802
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Robert Henry MIDDLEDITCH |

Captain Frederick Raymond MILHOLLAND |

Lieutenant Duncan Crerar MILLAR |

2nd Lieutenant Alan MILLER |

Lance Corporal Alfred MILLER. 19787 |

Corporal Charles Ballan MILLER. 12374
(CPGW) |

Private Leonard Llantaff MILLER. 235312.

Private John MITTON. 30383 (CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Herbert Sarif Roy MONTESOLE |

Private Harold MOODY. 1613.

Private Harold MOORE. 60619
(CPGW) |

Private Robert MOORE. 242719 |

Private Simon MOORE. 20541 (CPGW) |

Captain John Cecil MORGAN |

CSM John George MORLEY |

2nd Lieutenant Sydney MORRIS |

2nd Lieutenant Hugh MOSMAN |

Captain Bryan Seymour MOSS-BLUNDELL |

Private John Edward MUMBY. 3/8264
(CPGW) |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain John Vivian NANCARROW |

Private Frederick James NEWMAN. 41999 |

Private Fred NICHOLSON. 16766 |

2nd Lieutenant Lancelot NICHOLSON. |

Major Ralph Elliot NOYES |
--------------> Return to Top of
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Lieutenant Henry Sigismund OPPE |

Lieutenant William Percy ORDE-POWLETT |

Private Thomas Pickard OUTHWAITE. 28234  
(CPGW) |

L/Cpl Thomas Wilson OVERTON. 15422   (CPGW) |
--------------> Return to Top of
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Henry PEACOCK. 241634
(CPGW) |

Private John PEARSON. 20725 |

Private Samuel Percy PECK. 29810 |

Captain Lawrence PEEL |

Lieut-Colonel William Ralph PEEL |

Private John PERT. 3254 |

Lieutenant Richard Herbert PHAYRE |

Lieutenant Percy Montague PHILLIPS |

Lieutenant Q/Master Edward PICKARD |

Private John Mason PICKERING. 6725 |

Private William Henry PICKERING. 8392 |

Private George PITTOCK. 42437 |

Captain Eric Noel PLAYER |

Lieutenant John Selby PRATT |

Private Edmund George PRENTICE, MM. 38516 |

Sergeant Frank PRESTON. 28241 / 29807 |

Lieutenant Christopher Butler PRIOR-WANDESFORDE |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Lieutenant Percival Victor Alban RADCLIFFE |

Private G Milburn RADGE. 3694 |

Captain Robert RANDERSON |

Private Joseph Dickson RAW. MM. 30709 (CPGW) |

Captain Herbert READ, DSO MC |

Private John RHODES. 36424 |

2nd Lieutenant Ewart RICHARDSON. |

Private Robert RICHARDSON. 16984 |

Corporal Thomas William RICHMOND. 19039 |

Lieutenant Stewart Gordon RIDLEY |

Corporal Thomas William RIGG. 10933
(CPGW) |

Corporal Thomas RIORDAN. 8496 |

Private Albert RISPIN. 202854 |

Captain John Cecil RIX |

2nd Lieutenant James Leslie ROBERTON |

Major Archibald ROBERTS |

Lance Corporal James Fredrick ROBERTS. 16325 |

Private John ROBERTS. 266745 |

Serjeant Claude Lambert ROBINSON. 10518.
(CPGW) |

Private Edgar ROBINSON. 33671.
(CPGW) |

Private Thomas William Scales ROBINSON. 62139. |

Lance Corporal Arnold ROBSON. 10864 |

Corporal Joseph Dunning ROBSON. 2276 / 240644 |

Lance Corporal John RODDAM. 61722 |

Private Charles Lawson ROOTES. 366058 |

Captain Thomas Sowerby ROWLANDSON. |

CQMS James ROY. 3/9408 |

Private Ernest James RUDD. 7843 |

Private Patrick Edward RUDDY.
7150 |

Private John Henry RUECROFT. 200708
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Frederick Arthur RUSHWORTH |

Private Edward RUST. 1830. |

2nd Lieutenant Thomas Wood RUTHERFORD |

Private James RYMER. 12116. |

Private Robert RYMER. 23498. |

Private Thomas RYMER. 15420. |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Lance Corporal Alfred Ward SALMON. 241698.
(CPGW) |

Private Samuel SARGEANT. 11008 |

Private Robert Eric SCARBOROUGH. TR/5/38362 |

Captain George Jefferson SCOTT |

Private Albert Edward SEABORN. 42470 |

Private John Wilson SEDMAN. 2677 |

Private Robert SHARPLES. 235110. (CPGW) |

Private Fred SHAW. 28757.
(CPGW) |

Lieutenant William Cread SHEAY |

Captain Norman Percy SHEPHERD-TURNEHAM |

Private Fred Kilding SHIELDS. 26237.
(CPGW) |

Serjeant Alick SHORTRIDGE. 6269 |

Private John James SIBLEY. 8176 |

Major Kenneth William Lee SIMONET |

Captain Arthur Wilson SIMPKIN |

Captain Harry Hargreaves SIMPKIN |

Captain Clifford Sandford SIMPSON |

Private John Henry SIMPSON, 16229 |

Serjeant (Thomas) Alfred SMITH. 200396. |

Private James SMITH. 61651. |

Private Jospeh Henry SMITH. 16802. |

L/Cpl Thomas Edward SNOWDEN. 15143. |

Private Thomas SPENCE. 2425.
(CPGW) |

Corporal Alexander SPINK. 1377 |

Lieutenant Edward Reginald SPOFFORTH |

Private John SPROUL. 2189 |

Captain Charles SPROXTON. |

Major Thomas Wolryche STANSFELD |

Private James STANSFIELD.13356 |

Private Sydney STARR. TR/5/104724 |

Private Edmund STAVELEY. 28233.
(CPGW) |

Captain John Kenneth STEAD. |

Private James Richard STEVENSON, MM. 2234
/ 240615 |

Private William STOCKDALE. 201837 |

Private William STONEHOUSE. 26729 |

Private Henry Armistead STOREY. 20524.
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Tom Dalrymple STRATHERN |

2nd Lieutenant Logan STUDLEY |

Sergeant Henry George SUMPTER. 10386 |

Corporal Albert SUTCLIFFE, MM. 28187 |

Private Evan Richards SUTTON. 33839.

Private William Alfred SUTTON. 3533.
(CPGW) |

Lt Colonel Sir Mark SYKES |
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Henry TANDEY. VC DCM MM. 9545 / 34506
/ + |

Private Albert Victor TAYLOR. 241492 |

Private Robert Henry TAYLOR. 8100 |

Serjeant Edward THIRKELL. 1689 |

Private James Henry THOMAS. 1631 |

Lieutenant Edward Medforth THOMPSON. |

Lance Corporal James THOMPSON (*). 14362 (CPGW) |

Lieutenant Arthur Temple THORNE |

Private Thomas THWAITE. 242720
(CPGW) |

Private Thomas THWAITE. 242720
(CPGW) |

Private Edwin TIGHE. 7780
(CPGW) |

Captain John TILLY |

Lance Serjeant Leonard TOWNSEND. 11664 |

Private Louis Turgis TRACY. 4700. |

Captain Geoffrey Arnold TUGWELL |

Private Claude Tindall TURNBULL. 1878 |

2nd Lieutenant William Andrew TURNBULL |

Private Alfred TURNER. 27649
(CPGW) |

Private William Edward TURNER. 3/8125 |
(*) Name incorrectly spelt as "THOMSON" in Craven's Part in the
Great War.
--------------> Return to Top of Page
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier.

Private George URWIN. 13968 |
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier.

Private Edward VAUGHAN. 1230 |
--------------> Return to Top of
To find a photo of an individual soldier, please select from
the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Private Charles WAISTELL. 19568 |

Private James WAISTELL. 19569 |

Private Charles Henry WALKER. 11228 |

Private Hebden WALKER. 235533.  
(CPGW) |

Private John WALKER. 13203 |

Private Joseph Field WALKER. 29729 |

Major Wilfred Beckett WALKER |

Private Thomas Hornby WALL. 50875 |

Lieutenant Richard WALMESLEY |

Private Thomas WALTON. 17799.  
(CPGW) |

Private John WARD. 235305   (CPGW) |

Private William Oliver WATSON. 10885 |

Private James Charles WATTS. 293. |

Corporal Frederick Ernest WEBBER. 8648 |

2nd Lieutenant Eric George WELLESLEY |

Lieutenant Anthony Reginald WELSH |

2nd Lieutenant Frank WHALEY |

Captain Archie C T WHITE, VC MC |

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Ramsey WHITE, DSO |

2nd Lieutenant John Finlayson WHITE |

Captain William Taylor WHITE, MC |

Lieutenant Frank Brenand WHITEHEAD. |

Private Wilfred Robinson WHITFIELD. 201117.

Private Fred WHITTAKER. 28621.  
(CPGW) |

2nd Lieutenant Charles Edward WHITWORTH |

Private Joseph Edwin WILD. 15601 |

2nd Lieutenant Robert WILFORD. |

Captain William Thomas WILKINSON |

Lance Corporal George Shaw WILLIAMS. 39098 |

Lance Corporal Arthur WILLIAMSON. 1298 |

Sergeant Robert WILLIAMSON. 240334 |

Private Arthur WILLOUGHBY. 4365 / 241777 |

Lieutenant Ian McLean WILSON |

Private John WILSON. 240407 |

Private John William WILSON. 2370 |

Private William WILSON. 18619 |

Private Joseph WOOD. 26298.   (CPGW) |

Private Thomas WOOD. 368.   |

Lieutenant William Arthington WORSLEY |

Lieutenant Herbert Melville WRIGHT |

Private Thomas Dent WRIGHT. 42621.  
(CPGW) |
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the icon to the left of the name. This will open a page with photos / details
of the soldier. In the list of names below, where (CPGW) is shown a link
takes you to the website, Craven's
Part in the Great War (CPGW). This may show some small photos of
individual soldiers together with biographical information.

Captain Leonard James YORKE, MC. |

Private Sidney Joseph YOUNG. 8505 |
Private Charles William Gordon YOUNG. 17598 |
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